Training staff

TOMASZ RUMIŃSKI - an experienced, licensed INS instructor, UAVO VLOS and BVLOS operator on multicopters and aircraft. There are over 300 licensed drone pilots who have trained under his guidance. A well-known, respected and well-liked instructor, with whom one of the most important memories in the life of a drone operator is connected :) Tomek gained his professional experience during 20 years of service in the Polish Air Force. He is also a recognised expert in radio communication systems.
Privately, an aviation sports enthusiast. He is passionate about modelling, flying helicopters, multicopters, planes and giant models. A member of the association of paragliding pilots Black Wings Team ( and the crew of the Vistula River expedition, which in 2016 flew 1000 km along the Vistula River trail.
WOJCIECH GRUŹLIŃSKI - experienced, licensed UAVO operator, mechanical and civil engineer with specialization in aircraft engines, participant in SAE AeroDesign Brasil 2014, SAE AeroDesign East 2015 in Florida and SAE AeroDesign West 2015 in California. He completed Yuneec's official service training at the company's headquarters in Kaltenkirchen, Germany. Wojciech has extensive experience in operating drones from Yuneec and Walker manufacturers, and conducts implementation training. On a daily basis he deals with designing dedicated UAV solutions, drone service and technical consulting.
1st place for the Micro class technical report at the SAE AeroDesign competition in California